Application Form

Job Position
Personal Details
Employment History

Employment history (please give a brief summary of your last five years of employment history including locations, start dates, and end dates. If unemployed in the past 12 months, would you have been unable to attend work for any reason? Applications missing this section cannot be progressed.)

Please be aware that our shops open whenever there is a racing programme. This includes Bank Holidays, evenings all year round, Saturday and Sundays. We officially close on Christmas Day. We need our employees to be flexible in order to staff our shops. Please tick YES or NO to specify when you are available to work.
Your Health
Please provide two referees who might be able to tell us more about you. This should ideally include your current/most recent employer, and should ideally be work email addresses (and not personal mobiles/email addresses) Please note, we cannot proceed with applications made without references being provided. They will only be contacted with your permission.
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